Thursday 22 March 2007

Cry Baby andThe Mower Moral.

Cry Baby.

When Pete came into the kitchen he saw how much I cried.
You see! I was peeling onions and no matter how I tried,
Tears came rolling down my cheeks it made me look so sad,
You see my allergy to onion juice is really very bad.
Pete said "peal them under water, that's the best way I have found
But because I had no snorkel alas! I nearly drowned.

The Mower Moral or Jane's Tale.

It really is a super day I think I'll mow the lawn,
The dandilions and docks and things make it look forlorn.
I'll soon get the mower out and give it a quick crop,
I don't want to cut too close, I do know when to stop.

Oh dear! the bally mowers stopped, it's gentle rythmns altered
It must be the extension lead, that's why it's faltered.
There seems to be a lead loose, I'll just give it a knock,
Ouch! damn and blast the stupid thing has given me a shock.

This was a past neighbour and those were not the words she actually said!.

Jill West.

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