Saturday, 9 April 2011

An Old Myth Shattered.

We live in a small village in Somerset. It has lots going on and on Saturday morning we have a Shop. Fresh cooked food, home grown veg. Unwanted goods etc. A free cup of coffee and a chat. Twenty per cent of sales go to the community fund for the village.

An Old Myth Shattered.

Men have always said that women love to chatter.
Get a few together and they have a real natter.
Men think that Saturday down at the shop,
Women are chattering, talking fit to drop.
I find that this is used to impart imformation,
Not the sort of talk that might change a nation.
We talk about health and what can be done,
To help someone with nasty little niggles.
But much is fun and we have lots of giggles.
The men who come in, usually form a small crowd.
Their heads go together, then they laugh rather loud.
The discussion might be deeply profound,
I think that is how they would like it to sound.
I have to admit that on the whole,
Talking together is good for the soul.
So let's keep on talking and not worry too much,
It's the best thing to keep us in touch.

Jill West.